Site Info

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We, Association for Smart Tourism (AST) secretariat, collect and use personal information for the following purposes described below.

1. Collection and Use of Personal Information

Personal information is data that can be used to identify or contact a single person.
We do not use the personal information for any purposes that would disclose such information to any third party without the consent of the participant.

2. What Personal Information We Collect

When you create an Association for Smart Tourism (AST) account, we may collect a variety of information, including your email, password, country, gender, name, organization, phone number, and address information.

3. Duration of Retention and Use of Personal Information and Destruction

As a general rule, the Association for Smart Tourism (AST) retains and uses participants’ personal information for the notified and agreed upon durations. Once the purposes of collection and use of the personal information are achieved, it is destroyed without delay.

The duration of retention and use of collected personal information will start when the User Agreement is entered into (i.e., signing up for membership) and end when the User Agreement is terminated (including, but not limited to, applying for withdrawal from the membership and discretionary withdrawal/dismissal). Further, in the case of termination of the User Agreement upon mutual agreement, the Company will without delay destroy all of your personal information, except for data required to retain for a certain period for the aforementioned reasons for data retention. We will also instruct our third-party service providers to destroy the personal information provided to them for the outsourcing of data processing.

Your personal information will be destroyed without delay if the purposes of collection and use of the personal information are achieved. If printed on paper, your personal information will be destroyed by shredding or incinerating the paper documents. If saved in the form of electronic files, your personal information will be destroyed by technical means, making the records non-reproducible.

This is the minimum personal information necessary for the Association for Smart Tourism (AST) service provider. You could use this service upon agreement.